Hurricane season has started. New Jersey’s Hurricane season is June 1st thru November 30th. Our active season is August thru the end of October. Now a days we have plenty of warning. We can usually have an accurate forecast 5 days out or so to see what is coming our way. But it never hurts to know what your plan is.
Do you know your hurricane evacuation route? Do you know what roads are prone to flooding? Or have a plan on where to go? Are you staying in a flood zone? What should you do with your cars? Are there any pet friendly hurricane shelters? Do they need notice? If not, are there pet friendly hotels you can go to? (This is all off the top of my head, I am sure you might have more specific questions). As you enjoy the lovely weather we are having right now, I can totally understand not wanting to figure these things out until you must. We are however having more active Hurricane seasons, so we suggest having a plan.
Keeping on hand the necessities and knowing the basics can have a huge impact on the outcome of your emergency experience. Not letting your tank run to empty during Hurricane season could avoid problems when everyone is running to the gas station. Keeping cases of water could save you from running around looking for water at the last minute. (We all remember when covid hit and speaking of which… Toliet paper. Do not forget to keep a supply of TP) These things can save time and frustration in an emerging crisis.
Margate and the surrounding island cities are extremely prone to flooding. So we definitely suggest knowing where to keep your cars when flooding is expected. If your car does flood we suggest not starting it and having it towed to your mechanic. Starting your car during or after flooding can greatly damage or total your car.
We have complied a list of websites for you just in case a Hurricane is approaching our area. It is also recommended that you download the FEMA app and a Fuel app in case of emergency.
Evacuation | Ready.gov
Evacuation Routes | NJOEM
FEMA Flood Map Service Center | Welcome!
Disaster Shelters | Find Shelters | American Red Cross
National Hurricane Center (noaa.gov)