Posted on 10/15/2024
Is your car not running like usual? Is it stalling or surging? Rocking or shaking? Getting issues such as these checked out as soon as possible is ideal as it could grow into a bigger issue if you let it go. There could be several reasons why your car is running rough. Here are some common issues to consider: 1. Fuel Issues: Dirty fuel injectors or a clogged fuel filter can affect the flow of fuel to the engine. Also, a weak (aged), a bad fuel pump, and fuel leaks. 2. Ignition Problems: Worn spark plugs, ignition coils, or issues with the ignition system can cause misfires, leading to rough running. 3. Air Intake Issues: A dirty or faulty mass airflow sensor, air filter, or intake manifold can disrupt the air-fuel mixture. 4. Vacuum Leaks: Leaks in the vacuum system can create an imbalance in the air-fuel mixture, leading to performance issues. 5. Engine Timing: Problems with engine timing, such as a worn timing belt or chain, can cause rough running. Cam shaf ... read more
Posted on 1/10/2023

A brief introduction to Car Coolant: This picture shows the worse consistency your coolant can have. Coolant fluid should flow like water. Coolant keeps your car operating at the temperature it needs to be at. Under the hood, it keeps your car from overheating and causing serious damage, like destroying the engine or causing leaks that can damage other systems. In the cabin where you spend most of the time, it affects your air conditioning and heating system. What and Where is the coolant system? The coolant system works to keep your engine from overheating. It absorbs the heat and pushes the now-hot coolant toward the radiator where it is cooled. Major parts of the coolant system include the coolant reservoir, water pump, radiator, thermostat, hoses, and cylinder head in the engine. The Coolant system is in the front end of your car and around your engine block. What can go wrong if you do not change your coolant or if the ... read more
Posted on 12/23/2022
Kinds of key fobs There are quite a few types of key fobs in the market today. The most common today is the switchblade or flip-style key fob, this one gives you the ability to hide the key when it is not in use. Key fobs range from aftermarket fobs to key fobs to ones that link directly to the Vin of your car, to the keyless fob. Key Fobs are getting more technologically advanced as time goes on. Some have remote start; some can summon your car and even park it! How often do the batteries need to be changed? For most key fobs the batteries last 3-4 years. Sometimes key fobs die without warning but usually, they start with not locking or unlocking the car with a single push of the button and build to it taking multiple tries to open or lock your car. Depending on the type of key fob you have you may be able to change the battery on your own with the battery size for your fob and a small screwdriver and the help of YouTube. If that sounds tedious t ... read more
Posted on 10/27/2022
It is important to check the fluids under your hood regularly. Sometimes it can be confusing under there and it is important to get the fluids into the right place. Colin and Pooh Bear walk you through what to look for in this video to take all the guesswork out of figuring out what fluid goes where. The fluids you should be checking at least once a month are: Oil Windshield wiper fluid Power steering fluid Brake Fluid Coolant Transmission Fluid- This may or may not be in your car. Some cars have an electric transmission, which does not need fluid. The reason for the monthly check is to catch a leak and to check the color and quality of the fluids. For warned is forearmed and catching things early can not only help your car but your wallet as well. 
Posted on 1/20/2022
Car Batteries and the Cold It is cold outside. Winter is here and it is the time of year that batteries start showing their age. There are multiple reasons as to why your battery is losing charge. Batteries are only expected to last 3-5 years, and that is with a good alternator. There are other factors that can lessen your battery life. Driving Habits Sometimes not taking the scenic route will cost you. If you only drive short trips that can lessen your battery life. Your alternator will not be able to recharge your battery usage. A short trip is considered a half-hour or less. Freezing weather Fully charged batteries will only freeze at around -75 degrees, but if it less than full it can freeze at around 32 degrees. Therefore, when it gets cold outside people often find that their car battery will not start in the morning. Which is frustrating and inconvenient. Idling Idling for prolong times ... read more
Posted on 4/25/2019
The Season of Pot holes is upon us! Winter is hard on everyone and everything, yes that means on your roads and cars as well. That is why April is Car care Aware month. Its time to freshen up for the Spring. The biggest threat to your car right now is pot holes and neglect of maintenance. Pot holes meh, am I right? They come back every spring like flowers. They are caused by water seeping into the cracks of the pavement, then freezing and thawing, and then being driven on causes the pavement to weaken and eventually give. If you lucky your city is on them like white on rice. Either way they are a danger to your car. Alignments, Tires, Hubs, your exhaust, your under carriage and depending on how deep it is anything within its evil grasp. It can cause leaks, dents and compromise the integrity of parts and sometimes clips can come off and parts can start to drag. Is there any way to avoid them? Unfortunately, there’s no guarantee, that’s because your car can ... read more
Posted on 1/31/2019

Animals that use your car as a nest, hiding space, or refuge from the weather As I was driving around today on this cold day I had a bird fly out of my windshield wiper area! I hadn’t gotten far and this poor little bird and I were both startled. It got me thinking on how we can prevent those little un-pleasantries for both of our sakes and our cars. Animals are not thinking about you or your car when they go to find a place to get out of the weather or make a home. They don’t have the ability to reason that this is a car, there’s a person who owns this and it’s going to be a bad time. All they are thinking is that this place is warm and dry. So how can we help each other out? How to dislodge and deter animals from making your car their shelter: As much as I personally hate being startled, this might be the best and safest way to warn the animals that you’re about to get moving. So give your car ... read more
Posted on 1/10/2019
Winter is coming! Do you know what it takes to make it easier on you or your car during these cold winter months? The cold is hard on cars. Especially their batteries, wiper blades, tires, paint job, heating system and lights. Make sure to check on them often for your (and others) safety. We have compiled two lists for you to check to help you! Things you should have in your care in case of emergencies: Blankets- Cold leads to hypothermia, and if your car gets stuck or breaks down blankets will help keep you warm. Collapsible Snow Shovel- to dig yourself out Non-Perishable Food – because who doesn’t like a snack? We recommend Protein bars. Water- water= life Spare Change and Cash- You never know when the power will go out Flashlight, Jumper Cables, First Aid kit, Road Flares/ Reflective Warning Triangles and Portable Air pump/flasher- because you should always have them Kitty Litter- cheaper than u ... read more
Posted on 11/26/2018

Did you know that we offer a Complimentary Concierge service here at Sunny Sunoco in Margate? Well... we do! No need to rearrange your world and your closest driving friend (or person) to get your car worked on when you use us for your car needs! We will pick your car up anywhere on or around the Island of Atlantic city! That means: Atlantic City, Ventnor City, Margate City, Longport, Somers Point, Linwood, Northfield and parts of EHT. Would you want to get your car worked on while you are at work? We will be happy to pick up your car and, depending on the services needed, return it to you before you leave. Talk about convenient! If your service takes longer than a few hours we also offer loaner vehicles. If you would like a beach day (maybe this time of year is not the most ideal... but we don't judge..) we will chauffer you and yours down to the beach so you can enjoy the salt air and relax while also being productive. There is nothing more peac ... read more